Equipping Agents for Success

Unlock your potential at PRG Realtors!

Join PRG and keep more of your hard-earned commissions, leverage cutting-edge technology, and receive full-service support from a brokerage that puts your success first.

PRG recognizes how hard you work for your commissions.

That's why PRG works just as hard for you. When you win, everyone wins!

PRG works to help you increase your listings, sales production and income!

Your Success is Our Priority! 

PRG provides 5 essentials, so you can succeed:

1. Full-Service Support: Available Broker Support and Agent Services to assist you every step of the way.

2. Free CRM and Technology:
Gain access to leading technology, tools and marketing to increase lead generation.

3. Low Costs and Splits
: Win-Win plans, so agents can keep more commissions and increase their income.

4. Training and Coaching:
Stay up-to-date and grow your skills on Tuesdays & Thursdays virtual and in-person team meetings.

5. Professional Culture:
Join a team of realtors dedicated to professionalism and excellence.

PRG offers WIN-WINS Success Plans designed for agents to earn more without sacrificing the recourses they need and full-service.

Take control of your commissions

Whether you're a top producer or sell just a few homes each year, PRG’s plans offer you the chance to increase your income.

List more, Sell more and Close more!

PRG equips agents with tools, production training and needed support, so they can succeed 

1. Cutting-Edge Technology: Easy to use tools and tech, so agents can save time and be more productive.

2. Training and Development: From team meetings to coaching programs, we're invested in your growth.

3. Broker Support and Agent Services:
Get the guidance and assistance you need to overcome challenges and obstacles. 

Join a culture of full-service professionals and production leaders!

PRG is proud to partner with full-service professionals, both new and seasoned agents striving for success! 

Partner with a Trusted Brand!

PRG is a trusted brand in the industry, recognition from REALTRENDS as one of the nation's top brokerages.

Ready to join or learn more about PRG? Schedule a call or in-person interview today. Let's connect soon!

Schedule a consultation with a PRG Advisor today. PRG welcomes the opportunity to assist you with achieving your goals and helping you excel in real estate!

Don't compromise your hard-earned commissions or needed support, join PRG and experience the difference.


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About PRG Realtors:

PRG Realtors is committed to providing exceptional services to agents and clients alike. With a focus on innovation, integrity, and professionalism, we offer the resources and support agents need to succeed. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, PRG Realtors is here to help you thrive in the competitive real estate market.


770 S. Post Oak, Suite 100
Houston, TX 77056, US

About us

PRG Realtors of Texas a full-service luxury brand brokerage serving agents, brokers associates and teams across greater Houston area and select cities in Texas. PRG's Corporate Office and Team Training Room is located at 770 S Post Oak, Suite 100, Houston, TX 77056. Office: 713.461.1230, Email: [email protected], Web: https://prgtexas.com/